Monday, March 28, 2011

The Rabbit Proof Fence Part 2

Dear Reluctant Australians,

I have writing this letter to you and your friends for you reluctant Australians to say sorry to the natives of "your" country, the Aboriginals. This was once their land, and now you have taken it from them. You guys only didn't take their land, you took their children away from their mothers forcefully to put them in this "camp" where the children would learn the right way to live, a lot of them not seeing their families again. If you guys can't picture this, just imagine that your home land get invaded by strangers and they set up camp and take your land. They treat you as the minority class and then treat you as slaves Then later on, they think that the way your community lives is not the proper way to live, so they take your children right out of your hands to put them in some "camp" for them to learn the right way to live. Anyone who resists was beaten or shot. This is what the Aboriginals felt like. This is a reason why you should apologize to the Aboriginals. I'm not saying to give back what was theirs, but for starters, we can give them an apologies.
Evan Rapson

1 comment:

  1. You have stated good examples of why the Australians and their government has to apologize. Maybe proof-reading your work one more time, could get rid of silly errors like punctuations.
